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C o n t a c t

Guiding the Design Journey
Workshop NordiCHI 2024
Workshop NordiCHI 2024
Element Circle Mission
We integrate biomimicry within innovation and transition projects by selecting and implementing design methods and tools that co-create interactive digital solutions. Our services cover areas within industry and science.
Element Circle Middle 
Our expertise lies in guiding you toward optimal design strategies and methods tailored to your unique context and needs. We organise design and research activities for the co-creation of innovative products, services, policies, and educational programs. Our focus is on addressing innovation and nature-oriented challenges such as water management, energy transition, urban planning, and sustainable practices in for example the cosmetics and clothing industries.

We integrate the biomimicry method, to learn from nature, by first exploring its potential for your project. This is followed by establishing an (interdisciplinary) design and biomimicry process and creating a 'biologised' design brief. This approach leads to the development of several concepts through bio-inspired co-creation workshops. A ‘bird eye view’ is essential to this process, and visual models are used to support the sharing and evaluation of concepts.
Biomimicry within Service Design process
A practical and inclusive approach in which we involve all stakeholders in the design process.
We acquire new knowledge through design, from a situational and participatory perspective.
Create and implement strategies and tools together, so that learning is relevant.
  Icon Coaching BIOMIMICRY

Icon Co-creatie CO-CREATION

Icon Service Design SERVICE DESIGN

  Icon Toolkit Development TOOLKIT DEVELOPMENT

Icon Process Development DESIGN APPROACH ROADMAP

Icon Workshop Based Rsearch WORKSHOP BASED RESEARCH

  Icon Challenged Based Learning CHALLENGED BASED LEARNING

Icon Curriculum Development CURRICULUM DEVELOPMENT


M E T H O D S: Interviewing, Observations, Persona, Flow Model, Affinity Diagram, Information Architecture, Interaction Design, Scenario Development, Literature Study, Future Narrative, Prototype, Biomimicry, Focus groups, Journey Mapping, and more.   Element Circle   A P P R O A C H E S: User Research, Service Design, Systems Thinking, Participatory Design, Visual Research, Contextual Inquiry, New Product Development, Nature Based Solutions, Human Centred Design and more.

Biomimicry Course for minor Transitional Design
Applied University ZUYD Maastricht.

Workshop for Map4Rec project: Mapping informal sports and recreation opportunities with refugee youths
University of Twente, Department ITC.

Workshop 'Collective Collaboration Mapping‘ Framework
CHIWORK 2023 conference Oldenburg, DE.





Touching on 'Collective Collaboration Mapping' in citizen science.

The Value of Visual Co-Analysis Models for an Inclusive Citizen Science Approach.

Mental Models in Citizen Science for Energy Transition.

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